September, 1982
Our history
A strategic city for
the Nations
One of the very first YWAM locations in Japan, YWAM Takatsuki operated as the headquarters of YWAM Japan in the 1980s. It was closed for a brief period of time before re-opening in 2012 to host outreach teams and work with local churches.
In the summer of 2018 a new staff team transitioned into the base. With a heart to honor those who came before them, the team has learned from the stories and testimonies of the pioneers, and their countless hours of prayer and intercession for the community
Our neighbors still remember stories from those first pioneers, and our community recognizes our team as Christian missionaries thanks to their influence.
This rich history has and will continue to guide our team as we move forward into a new future for Japan.
Our Vision
Building community.
Creating Disciples.
We believe God wants to bring His kingdom here in Osaka, Kyoto, and all across Japan. We
believe He wants to bring revival through the youth. Turning a generation infamous for being
disconnected and uninterested into one of the most powerful, influential, passionate, and
vocal about sharing their love for God.
We believe no generation is too old or too young to hear experience His love for the first time.
We believe God gifts a special anointing upon Japanese Christians to reach their fellow
Japanese and the world: therefore, we believe in equipping local churches to see Japan
transformed into a nation known for sending missionaries.